
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Our New Bathroom

Well we got the bathtub installed this week. We only have one bathroom in our house now and it only had a shower. Kynslee is obviously not big enough for a shower yet so we were bathing her in the kitchen sink...not very practical. So we were very excited to hear that the member we are renting from was okay with installing a bathtub. He had the contractor come out and look at it and he said that it was going to be really difficult to install a bathtub in such a small space but that he thought he could do it. Turns out that it wasn't as big of a job as he originally thought and so he was able to do it a lot more quickly. 
Here's a reminder of what our bathroom looked like before:

And here is the new and improved version:

We are so grateful to have a tub now. It makes giving Kynslee a bath so much easier :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Early to Rise

         This morning I woke up to Kynslee crying. It was still dark outside so I thought I would just feed her and then put us both back to bed. After rocking her for a long time, Don came in her room dressed for the day. I was completely confused as to why he had gotten up and dressed for the day already, because I knew that the latest it could be was 5-6am.....WRONG!! He informed me that it was already 7am!! So the extra sleep I thought I was going to get was not going to happen. I was not a happy camper to say the least! I grumped about it for most of the morning. Until I realized how silly it was to be so upset over something so trivial. It wasn't anybody's fault but my own that I didn't know what time it was. 7am is when I should be getting up every morning anyway. On top of that I had yet to realize the even better news that Kynslee has now slept through the night for 3 nights in a row! Something that she hasn't done since she was a newborn. Oh how I hope this is a new phase! But back to my original point: It is ridiculous how upset I get over loss of sleep. 
          This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately. It is hard to get things done when Kynslee is awake. She demands a lot of attention and loves getting into everything (and putting it in her mouth). So if I wait until she wakes me up to get up each morning. (btw I want to go ahead and assure you that it's not like I am sleeping in until noon every day. I am up every morning somewhere between 7-9am.) I have to wait until she goes down for a nap before I can really get anything accomplished. This is not a very functional schedule! I also have been reading about what the bible has to say about sleep. Proverbs talks a lot about sleep and how too much is the equivalent to laziness.

~Proverbs 6:6-10 "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:    Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her    food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy   sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:"
~Proverbs 19:15 "Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. "
~Proverbs 20:13 "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread."
           I also thought about the Virtuous Woman mentioned in Proverbs 31. In verse 15 it says "She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens." Now I have always had a problem with having to be up before the sun does. I just did not think it was very fair. BUT after re-reading this verse I think I might need to adjust my attitude towards sleep. 
            Now don't misunderstand me, sleep is good. More than that it is a necessity. But like with everything else you can have too much of a good thing. So in order to improve myself, I am going to challenge myself to get up early at a consistent time every morning. I think it is going to have to be a gradual thing. Start going to bed a little earlier each night and get up a little earlier each morning. The hardest part of this challenge is probably not going to be getting up earlier, but getting up earlier and being nice about it.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun at the Park

 Ames has a wonderful park in the middle of town. It's within walking distance (like everything else in town) from the house. I have been wanting to take Kynslee since we moved, but it has been so cold every day we've had the opportunity. Yesterday we had some time in the afternoon so I decided to go ahead and take her. It was still pretty cold so we didn't stay too long, but we had lots of fun!

                                                     Kynslee ready to go play at the park!

She loved playing with this. If you spin it around all of the beads roll around and so it makes a bunch of noise which is her main requirement for a toy :)

She really likes to swing!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! So far we have had a great day here.  I got to sleep in until 9am and Don brought me breakfast in bed, a box of chocolates, a sweet card, and a beautiful cross necklace.


Don also got a gift for Kynslee. It was so sweet! He made her a card and wrapped her up some cookies and a new book. 

Here's a video of her opening her present and Daddy reading her the book :)


And another video of her playing with her presents...well mainly the tissue paper lol!

Since Don and I can't go out by ourselves tonight, we are going to stay in. I am going to fix us a nice dinner after she goes to bed and then we will watch a movie. Hopefully a chick flick since it is Valentine's Day, but we'll see if Don agrees ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pics of our New House

        Okay, so I finally got to take some pictures of our new house. We haven't finished decorating and arranging our bedroom or the guest room so those pics will come later.

This is our across the highway neighbors. It really weirded me out after we first moved here. I would go out to our car and hear bleating, but I am getting used to it now. 

We are hoping to revamp the outside once it warms up. It looks pretty sad right now. The man that we rent from said that he was planning to give it a good washing and repaint it this Spring/Summer. The house sits at an angle so until you get used to it, it is really weird watching the traffic on the highway go by from the living room. 

Our Living Room. The front door is to the left and to the right is open to the Kitchen. The doorway in the back right leads into the guest room. It is supposed to be the master bedroom, but we are using it as a guest room/craft/whatever else we want to put in there ;) It is a huge room and it's really a lot bigger than we need for a bedroom so it works better this way. 

Another angle.

And one more angle. The entryway is really supposed to be a dining room but it just isn't big enough. We tried our table in there and it just made it awkward to walk around and left a huge empty space in our kitchen. 

The kitchen. Very spacious and functional. So much easier to cook in than a galley kitchen that we had for so long. At the end of the week the contractor is supposed to come out and install a dishwasher to the right of the sink. YAY!! I absolutely hate to wash dishes so I am so excited!!! I think that it is weird that we have the same countertops that we had in Memphis.

The Hallway

The Bathroom. 

In the near future we are supposed to get the shower taken out and a bathtub put in. I am really excited about that too because Kynslee is getting too big to bathe in the kitchen sink. She also likes to splash and having to dry the entire kitchen counter and floor is getting old very quickly. 

Kynslee's room


The laundry room. I love that the laundry room is so big. The built in cabinets are an awesome bonus too. I also love my new washer and dryer. Makes washing clothes a lot funner ;)

Door leading into the garage.

The garage. We have room to park the car, but we don't have a remote to open it from the outside yet so we can't really park it in there right now. 

              So that' s the house as of right now. I'll try to update it as we get things finished and remodeled. Hope y'all have a great week! :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Our Week in Review

       Well all of my hard work is paying off! All of the exercising that I have been doing is finally starting to show.....I lost 1LB! Big whoop! I couldn’t believe that is all I have to show for it! I am choosing to look at this as an inspiration to eat better along with my exercising. I have been very consistent with my workout plan for the past two weeks, but my eating habits? Well they could use some improving to say the least! I usually do pretty good during the day, but it’s the nighttime snacking that gets me…well really it’s probably like a like a 4th meal to normal people. The other night I was relaxing in the recliner and really wanting to eat something, but instead I decided to get up and do 2 miles of my Leslie Sansone DVD. It about killed me because I was still VERY sore from my leg workout from the day before. I felt a lot better about myself afterward than if I had fixed that box of macaroni that was calling my name. I felt like I had really conquered something lol! I’m also trying to keep up with the Fab Ab February. I have missed a few days so Fab Ab February will actually spill into March, but as long as I’m trying. That’s what counts, right?
Some exciting news is that Kynslee has started waving “hi’ and “bye” and will give high fives. She is also working on chewing her crib until it falls apart. I had plans to make a cover for the rails of her crib, but as you can see I am a little late.

Yesterday I made some homemade teething biscuits and baby puffs. I of course got the recipes from Pinterest. I pinned them a while back, and yesterday while I was looking through my “Kynslee” board I saw them and knew I had the ingredients to make them and since Kynslee was down for her afternoon nap I went ahead and made them. The teething biscuits (which is a horrible name in my opinion, it makes me think of dog biscuits) turned out really well and were a lot of fun to make.

        The puffs didn’t turn out as well. They taste good (yes I have to taste everything she eats) but they are very crunchy. I think I might have cooked them too long because I put them in the oven and noticed that Kynslee needed a diaper change and then forgot about them. So they cooked for about 5 minutes longer than they were supposed to. I think I may try them again and try to not get distracted this time.

Why yes that is a Play Doh Maker! It actually worked really well :) 

And that's a pic of them after they burned :( 

Kynslee trying out the teething biscuits

          The church here in Ames is hosting a marriage seminar this weekend at the Civic Center. It cracks me up that it’s called the “Civic Center!” It’s a very nice facility for the community but it is not what you picture when you think of a Civic Center. This morning me and a few of the ladies of the congregation worked on decorating for the seminar. I made the centerpieces, pens for registration, and cut out some hearts with my Cricut to use to sprinkle on the tables. Everything else the other ladies took care of. I think that everything turned out really well. 

 The first session was held tonight and it was very interesting. There is no one to watch Kynslee so it makes it hard trying to keep her quiet and pay attention but what I am able to listen to is very good. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the seminar. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Week in Review: Exploring the Town and Cooking with Pinterest

       This week went by a little faster, but I still cannot believe that we have only been here two weeks! I don’t mean that in a bad way, I really like it here. I guess we’ve just accomplished so much in such a short time that it seems like we have been here a lot longer. We just about have everything unpacked. Only 4 more boxes to empty. They are the “miscellaneous” ones that I am not in a hurry to sort through! We still have a few more things to hang on the wall and then maybe I will be able to finally post some pictures. 
       We spent some time this week walking around the town and exploring. We walked to the park, but it was really cold so we decided not to stay. We did check out the “Corner Store” which used to be a gas station and now it just sells a few staple items like: milk, bread, macaroni, candy (yes candy and macaroni are “staple” items). They also recently started cooking burgers and sandwiches. One thing I thought was really cool was in the back of the store they have a section of books that people have donated. People just take and donate whatever and however many books they want to. You can keep the books for as long as you want. Return it or don’t. So it’s like a community book exchange. They had bunch of the type of books I like to read. Some that I haven’t read yet. So needless to say I was very excited!
       Yesterday was a very “Pinteresty” day. At least at meal times. For breakfast we had biscuits, Chocolate Gravy, and ham and egg cups. They were both super easy and delicious! If I had known all you had to do was call it “gravy” and you could have chocolate for breakfast, I would have started cooking it a long time ago. For lunch we had BLTs but instead of just slapping the bacon on the sandwich like an animal I cooked it in the oven in a basket weave pattern. Such a simple thing, but it has totally revolutionized the way I make BLTs from now on. Honestly, I don’t know how I functioned before Pinterest! :)
Tonight a sweet member of our congregation is going to watch Kynslee so Don and I can have a date night. Since we have to drive 20 minutes one way to do anything, we are just going to go eat somewhere. I am still not totally comfortable leaving Kynslee for extended periods of time. I also think that this will be the furtherest I’ve been away from her as well. So baby steps! Maybe one day I will be okay with leaving her for a longer time. It will still be nice to have a nice uninterrupted meal where the only person I have to feed is me!